- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
As Birds Flying over Jerusalem 1917
The 'most amazing event of our times' came when the Royal Flying Corps fulfilled a 2,600 year old prophecy by the deliverance of Jerusalem in 1917, with Allenby's peaceful entry into the Holy City, as foretold in Isaiah 31:5.
Assyrian Invasions and Deportations of Israel
Using biblical sources as well as physical monuments and artefacts, this study examines the opposing views about the fate of the northern House of Israel. The use of Tables clearly identifies the different events.
Author And Finisher Of Our Faith
Focuses on Christ as central to British-Israel faith, and our personal responsibility to the Coming King.
Behold He Cometh
The Scriptures teach that when the Kingdom of God is restored in full glory, righteousness will prevail.
Bethesda Or Jesus Christ
Among the many and dramatic events of our Lord's ministry there have been few more striking then the Bethesda incident, and the sequal to it.
Beyond the Odds: Providence in Britain's Wars of the 20th Century
At many times in the two World Wars the nation was saved from disaster in circumstances that defied probabilities. There were sudden changes in the weather, inexplicable mistakes in strategy and tactics by the enemy and other extraordinary events. Beyond the Odds explores turning points in the World Wars, with in-depth accounts of diplomacy and wartime operations. Leaders and commanders in the Second World War, such as Churchill and his Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Alan Brooke, saw the outworking of providence in that war. Recording the beliefs of commanders and National Days of Prayer, the book provides fresh perspectives on momentous occurrences, as seen by those who experienced them.
Bible Dictionary - 3rd Edition
An A-Z of Bible terms, place names, books, people and doctrines. Written by an international team of over 150 Scholars, reflecting recent advances in research and scholarship. Maps, family trees, line drawings, diagrams and charts clarify and expand the text. An index gives ease of access to all significant data
Bible History and Britain The
Israel are today found amongst the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples, and that includes Great Britain.
Bible Research Handbook Vol. I
Volume I - a handbook of secular evidence, from first-class authorities, testifying to the accuracy of the Scriptures, together with factual information concerning the history and migrations of the Hebrew Peoples.
Bible Research Handbook Vol. II
Volume II - a handbook of secular evidence, from first-class authorities, testifying to the accuracy of the Scriptures, together with factual information concerning the history and migrations of the Hebrew Peoples.
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