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- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Prehistoric London
A surprising challenge to those who think Britain was merely savage before the Romans came: read about the religion, race, language and literature of Pre-Christian Britain and the finding of intricately ornamented artifacts and complex earthworks showing a highly organised and civilised society.
Present Reign of Jesus Christ
This book was written with the firm conviction that the words "Revelation of Jesus Christ" means exactly what they acclaim. Christ's great capstone of the Scriptures, The Book of Revelation was designed by our Lord to progressively reveal Himself throughout the undfolding of His great "eternal" Kingdom. A Kingdom which was destined to grow from a "stone" to become a "great mountain" which will triumph over all its enemies and fill the earth. The prophecy of the revelation is dramatically violent, victorious, and encouraging. It forewarns of a glorious struggle between the true Church and the corporate enemies of Christ. It is written in the symbolic language of the prophets and can only be understood and interpreted with consistent application of this language, a sound knowledge of history and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Therefore this dissertation attempts to summarize the massive volumes of historical literature by providing the reader with a historical linear perspective of the Church. In other words, you'll be shown where we are today in the book of Revelation. This work stands as an aggressive rebuke to the modern dispensational and preterist counter schemes which have caused the church to fall from clear prophetic understanding for generations. "Peace if possible, but the truth at all costs." Freeing language from the Reformation.
Creation and the Law
Prince And The Professor
An illustrated dialogue on the place of monarchy in the 21st century.
Principality And Power of Europe ( 2nd Edition)
An updated and extended 2nd edition - a must for those who want to keep abreast of what is really happening on the European scene and how it affects us, the British people, and the future of our sovereignty.
Queen Elizabeth I
A simplified biography of the life and times of Queen Elizabeth I. An illustrated Pitkin Guide.
Queen Elizabeth II - 50 Years Jubilee Edition
A beautifully illustrated celebration of Her Majesty's 50 year reign. An illustrated Pitkin Guide.
Queen Elizabeth II - Diamond Jubilee Souvenir
This diamond jubilee souvenir 1952 - 2012 is well illustrated. A Pitkin Guide
Queen Victoria
A simplified biography of the life and times of Queen Victoria. An illustrated Pitkin Guide.
Queen's Coronation The
The Queen’s Coronation, on 2 June 1953, should have been celebrated in blazing sunshine. Instead, it was one of the coldest June days in years, and it poured with rain. The enthusiasm of the hundreds of thousands of people who lined the streets waiting to see The Queen, many of whom had come from abroad, was undimmed. The processional route to and from Westminster Abbey was hung with colourful decorations and lined with miles of special seating. In addition to those who witnessed the spectacular ceremony in the Abbey or who camped out on the processional route, millions around the world watched it on film or television. This book looks back to that Coronation Day and, with the help of those who were there, tells the inside story of the planning and preparations for what was the best-organised and most widely witnessed Coronation in history.
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