- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Royal Law
This book is vital at this time, revealing the source of our constitutional freedom today. The contents include government, monarchy, sovereignty and the coronation: the occasion when Divine Law is acknowledged as the source of all British Law.
Royal Line of Succession
A glossy, full colour book showing the line of descent of the British Monarchy from Egbert, King of Wessex AD802, to Queen Elizabeth II. An illustrated Pitkin Guide.
Royal Peculiar
In two parts, 'A Study of Westminster Abbey' and 'The Coronation Ceremony'; with colour plates, this small book brings alive our Christian heritage.
Saxons and Vikings
Gives a fascinating overview of the violent times of the Saxons and Vikings in Britain. An illustrated Pitkin Guide.
Scotland's Kings and Queens
Gives a fascinating overview of the origins of the Kingdom of Scotland, and the successive Kings and Queens who ruled, from Alpin (AD 843)to Bonnie Prince Charlie and the devastating Battle of Culloden in 1746. An illustrated Pitkin guide.
Scottish Declaration Of Independence
Scotland's most precious possession: drawn up in 1320 by Bernard de Linton, Abbot of Aberbrothock and Chancellor of Scotland under Robert the Bruce, and sent to Pope John XXII after the defeat of Edward II showing the origins and migrations of the Scots and declaring Scotland's independence from outside rule.
Seek ye First The Kingdom of God
This booklet seeks to strike a balance as to the spiritual and national aspects of the Kingdom of God
Servant Nation
To-day, we find many devout Christians deploring the lack of religious belief, so noticeable everywhere, and wondering how this can be remedied. There is but one and only remedy: and that is a return to God’s Holy Word, as He has given it to us.
In the present age in which we are living we find knowledge increasing and its conclusions constantly changing; but little or no notice taken of the Divine Truths, as given in Holy Scripture.
Seven Seven Seven (777) Mark of the Ark
A fascinating study of this particular number.
Seven Times A Mark of Israel
God's judgements on Israel involve progressive steps of seven times, so that the ultimate seven times judgement lasts 2520 years.
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