- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Seventy (70) Years
Shows the 70 year cycles in The Bible
Seventy Weeks The Historical Alternative
This is the story of the only Messianic Divine time measure recorded in Holy Writ - Daniel's Seventy Weeks. The truth of its interpretation begins with a journey back to the Protestant Reformation. It was during this period of Church history that this great prophecy's commonly understood fulfilment was hermeneutically attacked and distorted. The confusing results of this theological assault are with us to this day and manifest itself in the teaching that a seven-year tribulation period is yet to come. This doctrine was birthed in Counter-Reformation Europe during the 16th century. What was this doctrinal assault's ultimate purpose? Who first taught it? Why was this new interpretation of Daniel chapter nine rejected by scholastic Protestant clergy for centuries? Who were its authors trying to protect? What is the true alternative which was believed by all of Christendom for over a millennium? How has this affected our perceptions and understandings of Christ's Kingdom? This book reveals the truth about Daniel's 70th week. Its contents shatter the sand-built foundations of today's popular 21st century Bible prophecy teaching, properly titled Futurism but commonly understood to be Dispensationalism!
Share The Inheritance
In 'The West' we have become subject to the influence of aggressive secular humanism and extreme relativism, reflected in 'politically correct multiculturalism' and in a loss of appreciation of anything which is good in our cultural, political and spiritual heritage. Many people therefore have lost any sense of vision - and 'without vision, the people perish'. There is, therefore, an urgent need to recreate a vision, which will preserve all that is best in our heritage.
Share the Inheritance invokes that vision and describes 27 gifts indispensable to the happiness and wellbeing, creativity and transformation of individuals, communities and nations.
Sir Winston Churchill
A simplified biography of 'the last and greatest of imperial statesmen'. An illustrated Pitkin Guide.
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam - 2nd Edition
The greatest conflict of the past century has been between Islam and civilization, which has a great relevance in the modern world. This book has been revised and expanded.
Sovereignty - Power Beyond Politics
This book tries to show that the monarchy is of crucial importance to the life of its nation.
St George & the English Saints
An illustrated Pitkin Guide. An insight into the lives of the Saints
St Joseph Of Arimathea At Glastonbury
According to traditions and legends, St. Joseph of Arimathea, a merchant, came seeking tin, and accompanying him was the boy, Jesus.
St Paul in Britain
Not only was the faith planted here over five centuries before Augustine's arrival, but it is much more likely that Christianity took root in Britain before it was established in Rome
St. George
This very careful and complete account of all the traditions about the life and martyrdom of St. George presents the best authenticated history of the Knights of St. George and Britain's great Order of the Garter. He is seen as the victorious defender of early Christianity.
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