- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Bible Study Guide To The Israel Peoples
The compendium seeks to serve two purposes. Firstly it is for Bible students grappling with the complexity of the Israel peoples.
Secondly, it contains key material for Bible study, the Christian life, and Ministry. It brings together biblical passages from which tenets of the Christian faith are derived and, where space permits, shows alternative sources to use. Shows useful maps and charts.
Biblical Antiquities I
Gives proof of the Scriptural narrative from secular sources. Book 1 looks at The Bible and Archaeology; Genesis and Creation; The Flood; Jacob's Stone; Judah's Sceptre; Isaac; Rachel; Ruth.
Biblical Antiquities II
Gives proof of the Scriptural narrative from secular sources. Book 2 looks at Israel's Captivity and Migrations; Israel, Judah and Jew; Dan; Benjamin; The Behistun Rock; The Amarna Tablets; The Sonnini Manuscript; St. Paul; The Resurrection.
Biblical Antiquities III
Gives proof of the Scriptural narrative from secular sources. Book 3 looks at understanding the Old Testament; Bible History; Cyrus; The Great Pyramid; Bible Prophecy Fulfilled; the Bible and Science; Susa and the Code of Hammurabi; Joshua and Jericho; The Scythians; King Solomon's Temple; Joseph of Arimathea.
Biblical Antiquities IV
Gives proof of the Scriptural narrative from secular sources. Book 4 looks at The Dead Sea Scrolls; Ur of the Chaldees; The Abrahamic Covenant; Petra; Bible Origins; The Apocrypha; Daniel's He-Goat; As Birds Flying; Druids; Hazor; Birth Date of Christ; The Stars.
Biblical Antiquities V
Gives proof of the Scriptural narrative from secular sources. Book 5 looks at The Sumerians; Joshua; Gezer; Assyria's Treasures; Zebulun; Joseph in Egypt; The Book of Numbers; Samuel; Ugarit and the Bible; Ebla; Galilee; The Culdee Church.
Biblical Antiquities VI
Gives proof of the Scriptural narrative from secular sources. Book 6 looks at Archaeological and the Bible; What the Bible Is; What the Bible Doesn't Say; Ashkelon; Christ's Disciples; The Moabite Stone; The Hittites; Tophet and Child Sacrifices; Jesus' Trial through to Resurrection; Three Ancient Manuscripts; Jacob's Prophecies.
Biblical Bulwarks
An outline of the development of Britain's scriptural foundations as a nation. It shows how these foundations are incompatible with Britain's membership of the European Union.
Biblical Food Laws The
The Biblical Food Laws according to God's Word - to know the distinction between the clean animals that you 'may eat' and the unclean animals that you 'may not eat'. They relate to the health of the human body.
Book of Enoch
The Ethiopic Enoch throws much light on the thinking of our Lord Jesus, also of St Paul. Both regarded this as sacred Scripture and quoted from it.
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