- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Stained Glass Of Westminster Abbey
Introduces the history of the stained glass in the Abbey, then describes each window in detail. Of especial note, the Great West Window shows images of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the twelve tribes of Israel.Also included are Moses and Aaron with the Law. Judah is positioned above Joseph, who is above the Royal Coat of Arms. Beautifully illustrated.
Stars Declare God's Handiwork
The stars testify to the eternal truths of Scripture and witness to the coming of the Son of God, to His sacrifice and ultimate triumphant return
Stone Kingdom: America The
Capt traces the history of Daniels four empires: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, and their relationship with the fifth and final kingdom of Stone and casts new light on the mysteries surrounding the Kingdom Parables of Matthew and the Old Testament, speculating on the identity of this Kingdom.
Stone of Destiny
An extensive account of the traditions, historical records and circumstantial evidence concerning the stone from earliest times until the theft in 1950. Includes a new chapter on the return of the stone to Scotland.
Stonehenge And Avebury
Henges never occur outside the British Isles. Sugden investigates the prehistoric sites of Stonehenge and Avebury, looking at their importance to prehistoric man. An illustrated Pitkin Guide.
Stonehenge and Druidism
Stonehenge - standing in lonely majesty on England's great Sailsbury Plain - is wreathed in mystery.
Stories of Lost Israel in Folklore
So immersed were the Saxon people with The Bible content, that every fairy tale is flavoured with the message of The Bible
Story of Celto-Saxon Israel
The story of the lost Israelites, exploring language, heraldry, culture and prophecy fulfillment. An important key to understanding the fulfillment of the Biblical promises and covenants in our modern world
Strange Parallel
Read about the strange parallel between the Netherlands and the tribe of Zebulon, a tribe of Israel
Struggle for the Birthright The
Dr. Jones focuses on the portion of the Birthright given to Judah explaining Gods will and plan, and showing how Judah has violated the conditions for a lawful return to the land, citing numerous references to support his assertion that Gods Kingdom will be won without arms and violence.
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