- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Struggle for the Birthright The
Dr. Jones focuses on the portion of the Birthright given to Judah explaining Gods will and plan, and showing how Judah has violated the conditions for a lawful return to the land, citing numerous references to support his assertion that Gods Kingdom will be won without arms and violence.
Study In Daniel
When Daniel received the revelations, the Angel informed him that the book was to be kept 'shut as a secret' until the crisis at the end of the age. Daniel received those remarkable revelations over 25 hundred years ago.
Study in Hosea
For the first time a book has appeared that provides a complete exposition of the writings of the prophet Hosea
Study in Isaiah
This was completed after the death of Howard Rand by the staff at Destiny, from his notes.
Study in Jeremiah
Knowledge and understanding of the entire scope of Jeremiah's mission in Palestine, Egypt and in the Isles of the West
Study in Revelation
The book of Revelation is the story of the Christian era down to the end of the age. It does what its Greek title, 'The Apocalypse' suggests: it unveils the progressive history of the past 2,000 years
Symbolism of the Scriptures
A very useful guide to understanding the meaning of the most frequently used symbols in the Scriptures
Symbols of our Celto-Saxon Heritage
This book is a study of the heraldic emblems of the tribes of early Israel to the present day as they developed into the Celtic-Saxon nation (Flags in full colour)
Synopsis Of The Migrations Of Israel
The history of the House of Israel in exile, showing their migrations and settlements throughout the Middle East and central Europe to Britain, identifying the names they were known by. Uses historical records and archeology.
Tender Twig
A touching and romantic novel based on the true story of Princess Tamar Tea Tephi and Prince Eochaidh.
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