- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Times Of Jesus Christ
Events in the life of Christ occured at the right "times", and Christ's "times" are a key part of God's future timetable.
To The Isles Afar Off
Bob Harvey looks clearly and seriously at a group of stories that many Anglicans have heard of. He has researched them to flesh them out, and he ties them together to present an intriguing and persuasive case that Christianity is as old in Britain as anywhere else outside the Holy Land. His book should appeal to a wide audience.
Tracing Our Ancestors
It is curious that our scientists know so little about the lives of the people of Europe of three or four thousand years ago:they seem to overlook the many 'missing links' to be readily found in many sites in Western Europe.
Traditions of Glastonbury
The Bible is strangely silent concerning Jesus' movements between the ages of 12 and 30. There are indications that Jesus was away from Palestine for possibly up to eighteen years. Where did he go?
Treasures Of Joseph
Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, were both given blessings and became the leaders of tribes, as distinct from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
Yair Davidiy shows The Twelve Tribes of Israel being linked to the Western peoples. 4th Edition
Trumpet Shall Sound The
Showing that the return of Christ is humanity�s only hope and absolute certainty it is literal and imminent. It brings both judgment & blessing.
Two Babylons
Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? Hislop exhaustively investigates archeological artifacts of ancient Babylon and finds startling links between the worship of Nimrod and his Wife and Papal Rome.
Uncovering The Mysteries Of Your Hidden Inheritance
The author's goal is to share the profoundly liberating truth of a true interpretation of the history of True Israel. This book may soon prove to be one of the most scholarly and convincing books on the true Israel message of recent times. With black and white illustrations.
Union Jack
A closer study of the flag reveals that the Union Jack is not just the banner of the UK but in its ancient origins it is actually three different flags in one.
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