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Crown Jewels The Official Guidebook
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Crowning Glory - The Merits Of Monarchy
Focussing on the reign of Queen Victoria and onwards, Gattey writes entertainingly of the benefits to the country of the stabilising force that is the monarchy. This stability enables a country to absorb radical changes in its political and social structure without the risk of disorder.
Dan, Pioneer Of Israel
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Daniel Unlocked
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Daughters of Destiny
An idea arose in Victorian Britain that the royal dynasty and throne of David, King of Israel and Judah c. 1000 BC, far from dying out as the result of successive Assyrian and Babylonian invasions, has continued in an unbroken line that leads directly to the British Throne. Following this royal line through Irish, Argyllshire, Scottish and English history, Lewis finds that our Queen Elizabeth II is descended from the Judean princess who came to the shores of Ireland. The end of the book suggests that the genealogical descent includes a sign of Christ's forthcoming return, and for this reason the British monarchy and throne could be approaching a new era.
Deity of Jesus Christ
Little's essay on the Deity of Christ is based on scriptural research and provides a guide to the evidence available in both the Old and New Testaments.
Did Jesus Come To Britain
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Did Our Lord Visit Britain, As They Say In Cornwall and Somerset?
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Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible?
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