- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Ferrar Fenton Bible Leather
The Ferrar Fenton translation of the Bible, completed in 1910, in 'modern English', translated directly from the original Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek.
Fifty Reasons
This is an easily referenced form of most of the key points of the Israel message. The twenty-sixth edition has been revised and updated. Readers can be assured that it has stood the test of time.
Foundations Under Attack booklet
An Address given to the United Protestant Council on November 1st, 1997, addressing the problem of Anglo-Catholicism and the roots of apostasy; challenges the concept of what a Christian really is.
Four Thirty (430) in Scripture
A booklet which addressess the question of whether the period of 430 years might have a major and recurrent significance in the history and affairs of Israel.
Gemstones In The Breastplate
The gemstones in the breastplate are significant in that each is engraved with the name of the tribe of Israel. This booklet gives a clear presentation of careful study of the scriptures and the works of many scholars.
George Of Lydda
Originally published in 1949.In this 3rd edition (2011) is told again the story of St. George whose courageous defence of the principles of liberty and freedom earned for him the unique title "Champion Knight of Christendom". Soldier, Saint and Martyr - read the truth about this great and very real man.
George R Hawtin - Pentecostal Pioneer
Teacher and author, George Hawtin, advanced the modern grasp of the Anglo-Israel truth.
Germany and Edom
From a Jewish perspective:
"Germany and Edom" shows how descendants of Esau (also known as "Edom") settled in Germany and other European and Asiatic countries. The Edomites are destined to go to war against the descendants of Jacob who was the twin brother of Esau. The Ten Tribes are to be found in the West
Glory Of The Lord
A spiritual pamphlet on 'End-Time' matters.
Glory Of The Stars
Having declared that the Heavens reveal God's glory, the Psalmist informs us that the Heavens declare a message in a language that is understood by all peoples. Pictures speak in all languages.
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